
Satellite Services

Alright, so you're sitting on your couch, ready to binge-watch your favorite show, but oh no, the TV reception is as reliable as a flimsy umbrella in a storm. And don't even get me started on your internet connection - it's slower than a snail on a leisurely stroll. But fear not, my friend! Thanks to the wonders of satellite technology, you can say goodbye to those pesky local interferences and terrain troubles and hello to free-to-air TV and internet services that work as smooth as butter on a hot pancake. So sit back, relax, and let the satellites do their magic!

  • Custom Satellite Mounts
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Who knew satellites could do more than just provide good TV? With internet speeds via satellite, say goodbye to gaming lags and hello to immersing yourself in the game world with minimal buffering time. No more getting un-alived before you even lay eyes on the enemy!

So, you've decided to take the plunge and get yourself a fancy satellite internet dish. But before you unleash your inner DIY superstar, hold your horses! These kits often need the touch of a pro, especially when the only technical support you can find is on an online portal that's about as helpful as a chocolate teapot when you're trying to set up your internet.

When it comes to installing your shiny new dish, our technician will embark on a daring site survey adventure to find the perfect spot. They'll be considering important factors like:

- Location of the dish: Is it hidden away in a fortress-like location, or is it chillin' next to your modem?

- Obstructions: Are those trees towering giants blocking the satellite's view, or is your dish getting a clear line of sight?

- Construction: Is your roof flat or pitching a fit? Tiled or metal? Crawl space or wall cavities? Single story or double trouble? Brick or cladding? Timber or steel frame?

These factors might just throw a curveball into the cost of the installation, but fear not! Our tech will have a good old chat with you before they start, so you won't be left feeling like you're playing a game of satellite installation roulette.

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